Software Defined-Native Storage Solutions

Solutions > Online Storage

[Cloud Storage Solutions]
On-Premise Private Cloud
Software-defined storage High availability platform

[비즈니스 데이터 분석, AI & Surveillance 스토리지]
Real-time bigdata log analysis farms(Splunk, Security Log)
Database (Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB)
A.I(Deep Learning, Machine Learning)
GPU Mining System
지능형 감시 시스템 (A.I Surveillance)

[고성능 컴퓨팅(High Performance Computing) 스토리지]
High speed burst buffer
Intermediate cache for real time data analysis

[고성능 디자인 & 시뮬레이션 시스템&스토리지]
Fast and complex design simulations
Intermediate cache for real time data analysis

[멀티미디어&엔터테인먼트 스토리지 시스템]
High resolution image processing
High resolution video capture and processing